공유: Learn Flutter Life Cycle In 10 Minutes
2020. 11. 30. 12:22
Youtube: Learn Flutter Life Cycle In 10 Minutes
First Lyfecycle method that is called.
Called when this object is inserted into the tree.
The framework will call this method exactly once for each State object it creates.
Second Lifecycle method that is called. Called every time a dependency change.
Called when a dependency of this element changes.
When the information of that type changes at this location in the tree the framework calls this function to notify this element of the change.
Called whenever the widget configuration changes.
Called whenever the widget configuration changes.
If the parent widget rebuilds and request that this location in the tree update to display a new widget with the same runtimeType and Widget.key, the framework will update the widget property of this State object to refer to the new widget and then call this method with the previous widget as an argument.
Called when object is removed from the tree. Do not dispose here.
Called when this object is removed from the tree.
The framework calls this method whenever it removes this State object from the tree.
Called when object is removed from the tree permantely. Do dispose here.
Called when this object is removed from the tree permanently.
The framework calls this method when this State object will never build again.
After the framework calls dispose, the State object is considered unmounted and the mounted property is false.
It is an error to call setState at this point.
This stage of the lifecycle is terminal: there is no way to remount a State object that has been disposed.