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Flutter 2.0 관련 모음 본문
Hello Flutter 2.0
Hello Flutter 2.0
오늘 오전 2시 30분에 시작 된 Flutter Engage 행사에서는 Flutter 2.0의 Release 가 발표 되었습니다.
Flutter의 지원 플랫폼 확장 (Web & Desktop)
- 데모: flutter.gskinner.com
Apple Silicon 지원
Flutter의 Web Platform 지원이 Stable 채널로 전환
- 데모: flutterplasma.dev/
Flutter for Linux
Flutter Embedded (with Toyota)
Dart Update 2.12
AdMob의 인라인 배너와 네이티브 광고 개선
Top 10 things you need to know about Flutter Engage
Announcing Flutter 2
Announcing Flutter 2
Today, we’re announcing Flutter 2: a major upgrade to Flutter that enables developers to create beautiful, fast, and portable apps for any platform.
Today, we’re announcing Flutter 2: a major upgrade to Flutter that enables developers to create beautiful, fast, and portable apps for any platform. With Flutter 2, you can use the same codebase to ship native apps to five operating systems: iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux; as well as web experiences targeting browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. Flutter can even be embedded in cars, TVs, and smart home appliances, providing the most pervasive and portable experience for an ambient computing world.
Flutter on the web
This initial release focuses on three app scenarios in particular:
- Progressive web apps (PWAs) that combine the web’s reach with the capabilities of a desktop app.
- Single page apps (SPAs) that load once and transmit data to and from internet services.
- Bringing existing Flutter mobile apps to the web, enabling shared code for both experiences.
In the last months, as we prepared for the stable release of web support, we made lots of progress on performance optimization, adding a new CanvasKit-powered rendering engine built with WebAssembly.
- 데모: edu.irobot.com/the-latest/building-a-coding-experience-for-all
Flutter 2 on desktops, foldables, and embedded devices
To start with, Canonical is partnering with us to bring Flutter to desktop, with engineers contributing code to support development and deployment on Linux.
Flutter is the default choice for future desktop and mobile apps created by Canonical.
Secondly, Microsoft is continuing to expand its support for Flutter.
Microsoft is releasing contributions to the Flutter engine that support the emerging class of foldable Android devices.
Lastly, Toyota, the world’s best-selling automaker, announced its plans to bring a best-in-market digital experience to vehicles, by building infotainment systems powered by Flutter.
The growing Flutter ecosystem
Today we’re announcing the beta release of Google Mobile Ads for Flutter, a new SDK that works with AdMob and AdManager to offer a variety of ad formats, including banner, interstitial, native, and rewarded video ads.
We’re also announcing updates to our Flutter plug-ins for several core Firebase services.
What's New in Flutter 2.0
What’s New in Flutter 2.0
Flutter web and Null Safety move to stable, Flutter desktop moves to beta and so much more!
Flutter’s web support has transitioned from beta to the stable channel.
Flutter’s web support blog post
Sound Null Safety
Flutter’s desktop support is available in the stable channel under an early release flag.
- grab handles have been added to the ReorderableListView widget.
- an updated scrollbar that shows up correctly for the desktop form-factor.
- Scrollbar is themeable using the new ScrollbarTheme class, you can style it to match your app’s look and feel.
- We’ve also worked hard to make resizing much smoother for both Windows and macOS, and to enable IME (Input Method Editors) for international users.
- we have provided updated docs on what you need to do to begin preparing your desktop app for deployment to the appropriate OS-specific stores.
New iOS features
A new CupertinoSearchTextField offers the iOS search bar UI.
New widgets: Autocomplete and ScaffoldMessenger
AutocompleteCore represents the minimal functionality required to get auto-complete functionality into your Flutter app.
ScaffoldMessenger was created to deal with a number of SnackBar-related issues, including the ability to easily create a SnackBar in response to an AppBar action, creating SnackBars to persist between Scaffold transitions, and being able to show SnackBars at the completion of an asynchronous action, even if the user has navigated to a page with a different Scaffold.
Multiple Flutter instances with Add-to-App
Add-to-App, is an excellent way to reuse your Flutter code across both mobile platforms while still preserving your existing native code base.
In Flutter 2, we’ve reduced the static memory cost of creating additional Flutter engines by ~99% to ~180kB per instance.
The new APIs to enable this are in preview on the beta channel and are documented on flutter.dev along with a set of sample projects demonstrating this new pattern.
Flutter Fix
The Flutter Fix feature, introduced in Flutter 2, combines a Dart command-line tool with changes suggested by the Dart analyzer to automatically clean up deprecated APIs in your codebase.
Flutter DevTools
One new feature that helps you zero in on your issues even before you’ve launched DevTools is the ability for Android Studio, IntelliJ, or Visual Studio Code to notice when there’s a common exception and offer to bring it up in DevTools to help you debug it.
Another new feature in DevTools is the ability to easily see an image that’s at a higher resolution than it’s displayed, which helps track down excessive app size and memory usage.
Also, by popular demand, in addition to showing details about flexible layouts in the Flutter Inspector’s Layout Explorer, we’ve added the capability to show fixed layouts as well, enabling you to debug layouts of all kinds.
Android Studio/IntelliJ Extension
The Flutter plugin for the IntelliJ family of IDEs has gained a number of new features for Flutter 2 as well.
Visual Studio Code Extension
The Flutter extension for Visual Studio Code has improved for Flutter 2 as well, starting with a number of testing enhancements, including the ability to re-run just failed tests.
DartPad updated to support Flutter 2
Ecosystem updates
Firebase plugins
With Sentry’s SDK for Flutter, you can be notified of errors that occur on Android, iOS, or native platforms in real-time. Sentry documentation
Flutter Community “plus” plugins
Flutter Favorite packages
Check which package versions are compatible with your Flutter version : pub.green
- the announcement blog post from the CodeMagic team.
Flutter web support hits the stable milestone
Flutter web support hits the stable milestone
Publish to web and mobile from the same codebase
Flutter Engage
Flutter Engage
The Flutter community from around the world gathered for this special online event featuring a keynote covering exciting news, demos and features coming to F...
Flutter Engage Community Talks
Flutter Engage Community Talks
Hear from members of the global Flutter community as they dive into all things Flutter. Learn new skills, strategies, and tips for Flutter development and de...
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