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목록DART (16)
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tltemplates.com/learn-flutter Best Resources to Learn Flutter & Dart Flutter is a UI toolkit, developed by Google, and you can use it to create a beautiful native app for desktop, mobile, and web. For faster development and native performance, you can choose Flutter for building an app. Hot Reload and customizable widgets a tltemplates.com flutter 와 dart 를 공부하는데 참고할 만한 사이트와 자료를 정리한 내용한 곳이다. Onli..
Null safety Sound null saftey 에 관해서는 여기. dart.dev/null-safety Sound null safety Information about Dart's upcoming null safety feature dart.dev 핵심은? Null safety principles Dart null safety support is based on the following three core design principles: Non-nullable by default. Unless you explicitly tell Dart that a variable can be null, it’s considered non-nullable. This default was chosen after ..
Cheat Sheet & Awesome 모으기. Kotlin cheatsheet blog.kotlin-academy.com/kotlin-cheat-sheet-1137588c75a devhints.io/kotlin fabiomsr.github.io/from-java-to-kotlin speakerdeck.com/agiuliani/kotlin-cheat-sheet awesome github.com/KotlinBy/awesome-kotlin/blob/readme/README.md kotlin.link Flutter cheatsheet awesome github.com/Solido/awesome-flutter Dart cheatsheet awesome github.com/yissachar/awesome-dart..
python https://docs.python.org/3/library/http.server.html python3 -m http.server 8080 --bind node https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-server dart https://dart.dev/tutorials/server/httpserver import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; Future main() async { final dir = VirtualDirectory('.') ..allowDirectory..